Showing posts with label Kavanagh College Dunedin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kavanagh College Dunedin. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Skill of Self Confidence: Dr. Ivan Joseph at TEDxRyersonU


"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” 

― Muhammad Ali

One of the the best ways to improve our speed and our play as a team is trust, and one fo the best ways to enhance our trust is self condfidence, a belief that we can do what we set outto do. THis is not arrogance hwich assumes or pretends I am better than anyone else, this is a strong inner sense that i have put inthe work, I know what I can and dan't do, I know that I am going to give my best and I know that my team mates will give their best whatever the outcome.

This TED talk above on CONFIDENCE is a good reminder to choose the attitude of optismism, that good things are possible, that inspite of not gettgin it the first or 10th time, I will accomplish what I am trying to do. I cna practice more, watch you tube clips, ask a firend, consult a book or a coach.

When i played for Duneidn Tec and we won many Southern Championships we had a fantastic "rub man" and believer, Noel. Noel said he was in the believers club, he expected the best.

We can all help each other develop confidence and grow that confidence by giving feedback,positive feedback, by working hard and by keeping perspective with a laugh.

See you on the training field

Richard Kerr-Bell

Coach Kavanagh First XI
Champions in the Making

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Soccer Tactics: How To Defend In Soccer


"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride"

"Everything is practice" -Pele

Hi guys, I came across this basic buit excellent presentation of defensive movement

with explaination. It is easy to see andworth the whole 10inutes.

It captures in one place without multiple lines on a white board or static pictures

that require understanding someone elses map.

Monday morning training, just the best way to start the day.
Great seeing everyone in the morning training by the way.

Richard Kerr-Bell


Sunday, January 26, 2014

 Kavanagh College Football

"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves  -Vince Lombardi

Prepare for the biggest year in KCFootball history that you can be a part of!

I am revisiting some of our first thoughts to put front and centre what this year is about. 
One thing is clear, we have to do things differently. Different to how we have done it n the past and different to how others have competed to acheive our goals. 
Single focus, team purpose, high trust and commitment, nothing less will do and it comes with maximum excitement. 
Remeber, you get out what you put in - so everytime we get together bring your 'A' game.

2014 will be incredible. It will be the 25th Anniversary of Kavanagh College in Dunedin and that on it's own is awesome. The joining of three schools create by the will and desire of a visionary community.

In 2014 we will aim for the National Secondary Schools Football Tournament. It is also the year we look to set a new culture for football at Kavanagh where the expectations are higher, the focus and goals of players and teams is lofty. We want the first team to be THE GAME of the   week for your friends to come and support, to cheer, scream shout and get involved.

  • We plan to enter the National Secondary Schools Football Competition for the first time ever.
  • This goal will be revealed next year Feb 10 2014
  • A new kit with names and numbers on
  • Three preseason training camps
  • New expectations for commitment, training, playing and learning this game we love
  • Building a culture of encouragement, involvement of the Kavanagh community
  • Placing football as the most fun sport to watch and be a part of
  • New roles for supporters and fans including video, statistics, photography, article writing, TV items and editing
  • Team building
  • Game analysis 
  • Weekly school competitions and more...

2014 is going to be the greatest year in Kavanagh College Football history and everyone can play a part. Keep watch, get on board - Believe!

Coach: Richard Kerr-Bell
Manager: Chris Trewern
Parent: Gerry O'Farrell

Kavanagh College 1st XI Football Team
"With Pride - He Ngakau nui"

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Team Attitude

Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a TEAM work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.  ~Vince Lombardi

This is a master key to winning

Yes I am focussing on our winning programme and sharing another reflection on how we will produce a fantastic season next year Kavanagh's 25th Anniversary season of history.

The five essential keys to build a winning team:

  1. Program road map
  2. TEAM attitude
  3. Culture of success
  4. Fundamentally sound
  5. Sound concept of play
TEAM attitude is everything.
A TEAM that commits to each other -is hard to beat
It is all about what I am am willing to do for my team mates, and that includes the supporters, coach, manager, anyone who contributes to our success because this leads to your success and that is  the only order in which this can happen.

It is all about every one of us asking the question, "What can I do for the TEAM"? What can I do to support the player around me, not just on the field, but everywhere. What difference would it make if we asked this in the following situations ?
  • on the sideline
  • the morning of practice
  • at practice
  • in class
  • around school
  • the night before the game
  • in the TEAM room changing and preparing for the game
  • after a win or after a loss
The point is it really matters that TEAM and what it means to be TEAM is lived as an attitude, it least a way of acting and what this leads to is belief. A belief that the TEAM, that all of us can do it! It is like putting money in the bank, a little every day, every time we have the opportunity because when this go sour and we are 'against the wall' we have something to draw from.

It also increases trust and this topic and its' power I will save for another time.

Take care

Friday, August 23, 2013

Learning how to win

Preparing for The Biggest Year in Kavanagh College Football History 2012


"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

"Part of preparing your team to win is knowing how the game will be won"-Kevin Sivils

From the afore mentioned book(last blog)  this sentence appears very early on on the first page and sets the scene for the whole message. Men, this is what we will build and from your ongoing reflection already on your play, strengths, areas for development, tactical and strategic knowledge to create a fantastic season we all enjoy and perform at ever greater levels.

How will we win?
This applies to a season, or seasons as much as it does to one game or one half. Our "path" may change but the basic principles we will set down will not. Knowing these key pieces of information and from practicing the 'how to do it', will add up to a planned programme for success that lies before us.

Why doesn't everyone do it?
Great question. I suspect it is the same reason we didn't this year and most teams don't. Time to plan, a commitment to work the plan, the ability to learn as the plan unfolds, and the discipline of hard work with trust in team mates. This only comes from a shared set of beliefs and a base level of competence and confidence. All of which requires planning and planned practice.

Consider this:
You turn up to training, you are not the last but you are not the first. You take your time and are keen to kick a ball around but after a long day aren't too keen to commit to much more.
Two days later after training with your other club team and getting other messages of how to play, you turn up to your school game.
The coach outlines who is playing where and a couple of points about how he/she wants things to happen.
You warm up and the game is on.

Thinking about the lead up:
  • What do you remember about the practice learning points?
  • What do you remember about the game plan?
  • What about your part in the plan?
  • What do you trust yourself to do well and how will you use this in this game?
  • How well do you trust those immediately around you and their skills/abilities?
  • If it all turns to custard, what is the key thing you must do? Or the team?
  • Does anything spoken at half time make sense to you?
This is just a short list that hopefully challenges our thinking about what we all need to think about and contribute as we develop a plan for our Year of History.

Take care and share your passion for playing and learning the game.
PS Ill see some of you this weekend in the last game of the season for senior football.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Season of Learning

Preparing for The Biggest Year in Kavanagh College Football History 2012


"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” ― Socrates

If I were to sum up this season (2013) it would be a 'season of learning'.

This was indeed a re-learning of the ropes at Kavanagh with regard to the Boys First XI and the rhythm of the games and practices as well as where we were at talent wise. Gaining a sense of the fields we played on at the times we did and in the weather we had.
Even the great ones reflect and learn -Jose Mourinho

Preparation, communication systems, expectations and understanding the demands on the players and staff/parents. From practice venues, times, gear and many elements you cannot predict without having gone a season from beginning to end, each of these provide an opportunity to improve and to learn.

I want this to be something we can all begin immediately men. Make this last season  an experience to be learned from both individually and as a team. Reflect on some questions like these below or your own to be adding something more to the experience for the future.

  1. What one thing, if I improved or strengthened further would make a significant difference?
  2. What do I need from the coach and team to better prepare to play my best?
  3. What do we as a team need to do better, to prepare for the season and for each game?
  4. If a priority is to contribute to a winning season of Kavanagh College Football in 2014, what do I need to let go or do less of, postpone? Do more of more consistently?
  5. If I were to think about my best experience of playing in a team what would it be? How can I make this happen? Whose support would I need?
  6. What are the questions I need to ask the coach or others to fully understand my role and to give my best game?
  7. When I am I going to commit to success through hard work, discipline, honest effort, and service to others, my family and team mates daily in some way?
Great start!
We are already moving in the right direction - A year with more enjoyment, success, meaning, and football development has begun.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Third place confirmed with a win against John McGalshan College


"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

"The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand."
Vince Lombardi 

After a season that promised much, lived in "what could have been" land, we pulled ourselves together with the catch cry 'to honour the year 13 students' for who this was their last game for Kavanagh and two first half goals from Tim O'Farrell and Daniel 'Diego' Ramsey set the path for victory tough by no means assured. At two one it appeared a close thing but Daniel's second goal and the teams third was a joy to watch.

Thanks men for your commitment and courage, your tenacity and trust. It bodes well as we plan for our year of history in 2014 Kavanagh College's 25th anniversary.
We hope to see our leavers around the park and maybe helping out where time permits, a big thank you for carrying the football flag in your time at KC.

Lionel and the rest of the team say "THANKS GUYS"
Coach Kavanagh College 1st XI

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Biggest Year in Kavanagh College Football History

 Kavanagh College Football

"He Ngakau Nui - With Pride" 

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves  -Vince Lombardi

Prepare for the biggest year in KCFootball history that you can be a part of!
Getting the 2014 Season of History started! Kavanagh FC

2014 will be incredible. It will be the 25th Anniversary of Kavanagh College in Dunedin and that on it's own is awesome. The joining of three schools create by the will and desire of a visionary community.

In 2014 we will aim for the National Secondary Schools Football Tournament. It is also the year we look to set a new culture for football at Kavanagh where the expectations are higher, the focus and goals of players and teams is lofty. We want the first team to be THE GAME of the   week for your friends to come and support, to cheer, scream shout and get involved.

Don't be fooled and do not expect it to be easy. This is a challenge for those willing to 
make a difference, leave a legacy, and begin something great and it starts now!

The first meeting of a organising group was held tonight (10/07/13) as the first of many as we plan for 2014. 

So what does all this mean?

  • We plan to enter the National Secondary Schools Football Competition for the first time ever.
  • This goal will be revealed next year Feb 10 2014
  • A new kit with names and numbers on
  • Three preseason training camps
  • New expectations for commitment, training, playing and learning this game we love
  • Building a culture of encouragement, involvement of the Kavanagh community
  • Placing football as the most fun sport to watch and be a part of
  • New roles for supporters and fans including video, statistics, photography, article writing, TV items and editing
  • Team building
  • Game analysis 
  • Yes I had hair, 1998 National League vs North Shore
  • Weekly school competitions and more...
Is the mountain big? You bet.
Does it look impossible from here? Many might see it that way.
Are we dreaming and need to get real? Laugh all you want.

If it wasn't a challenge it wouldn't be worth pursuing, if it was easy who could be bothered, and if the reward was not great who would follow?

2014 is going to be the greatest year in Kavanagh College Football history and everyone can play a part. Keep watch, get on board - Believe!

Coach: Richard Kerr-Bell
Manager: Chris Trewern
Parent: Gerry O'Farrell

Kavanagh College 1st XI Football Team
"With Pride - He Ngakau nui"